by | May 14, 2022 | Sermon Notes
Sunday, May 14, 2022 Pastor Jerry Sellers, OpenDoor Church, Burleson, TX The expression “the elephant in the room” is a metaphorical idiom in English for an important or enormous topic, question, or controversial issue that is...
by | Oct 24, 2021 | Sermon Notes
Pastor Troy Brewer, OpenDoor Church, Burleson, TX Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021 …A dramatic, tragic event takes place where nothing looks the same for that person’s life after it happens. In the Old Testament, these demonic places are seen as “giants.” Giants must be...
by | Dec 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT The Lord is ready to do amazing things in your thought life today. Receive His peace that surpasses understanding and the battles in your mind will flee! NEED A SOUL INVASION? The greatest of all commandments was made clear on a bright sunny...
by | Nov 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT You’re not only created in God’s image, but He created you with an image in His mind of who you will become and how you’ll impact the Kingdom on earth. Only “seeing in part” makes for such an amazing journey of trusting and loving...
by | Nov 22, 2019 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S PROPHETIC THOUGHT Taking the first step toward spiritual change is often repeated, sometimes daily and even in succession. The culmination of what might seem like a thousand baby steps “on hind’s feet” (Habakkuk 3:17-19) is what leads to your...