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Prayer | Resources | Giving | 1.877.413.0888 | 24 Hours

About Troy

Pastor Troy Brewer is a visionary leader, celebrated author, and passionate abolitionist, serving as the Senior Pastor of OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas.

Known for his unique prophetic insights, Troy makes Kingdom principles accessible and transformational for all. 

His impactful books, including bestsellers like Numbers that Preach, Redeeming Your Timeline, Looking Up, and Numbers That Prophesy, help readers connect with God’s heart, understand His voice, and redeem their life stories. 


Troy’s teachings reach a global audience through The OpenDoor Experience Show found on various global networks, as well as on his streaming platform,, which offers a library of live and recorded content. Additionally, Pastor Troy hosts the PULSE 24 podcast, mentoring listeners in prophetic insight and guiding them to recognize God’s voice. 


Through dedication to fighting human trafficking, Pastor Troy had the honor of being invited to speak before Congress and CPAC at the International Summit Against Human Trafficking. Troy Brewer Ministries has rescued over 11,000 women and children and has funded over 51 rescue homes around the globe, providing pathways to freedom and hope through Jesus Christ. 


Troy and his wife, Leanna, who founded SPARK Worldwide, an acronym for serving, protecting and raising kids, a nonprofit that supports children, have raised and empowered over 4,000 children through vital resources, education, and discipleship. 


Troy and Leanna, have 4 exceptional married children, and love doting over their 8 grandchildren, as well as enjoying their many spiritual children. 


Along with their global supporters, Troy and Leanna are committed to continuing to inspire, equip, and help transform lives across the globe. They would love for you to join the fight. 

I write books,
I pastor a church,
I travel the world
so I can rescue kids.

Troy Brewer

Pastor and Abolitionist