by | Feb 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD With every new vision comes a new mission He is trusting us with. Begin to seek God for ways to bless others. Who knows? It may become your ministry! MIRACLE ON A HOT TIN ROOF There’s no way I would ever have signed up to be a pastor. I...
by | Feb 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD It’s time to partner with God and come up with your strategic blueprint for your new place of dominion. Take steps to move toward the dream that God has given to you today. Don’t put it off any longer! IF IT’S GOD’S WILL IT...
by | Feb 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD The Lord has the progression for your upgrade all mapped out. Step out in faith by taking a step forward and walk in your destiny. THE PRICE OF PROGRESSION Yes, my friends, there is a price to pay for moving forward and progressing. If the...
by | Feb 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD Commit to doing good and sharing the love of the Lord. Stay the course on your Kingdom commitment. God loves your faithfulness! THE CATALYST OF TRANSFORMATION The Bible tells it straight up: faith without action is dead. For goodness to be...
by | Feb 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S PROPHETIC WORD Sometimes you need a miracle because of a mess you made for yourself. Other times, you need one because of circumstances. Either way, our God is a god of miracles and He will never run short of provision. If you need a miracle, keep...