by Troy Brewer | Oct 31, 2020 | Blog
HAPPY HUNTING After 40 years hiding in Midian, Moses had become the thing he hated most – a shepherd. He was surviving day to day in a place he never wanted to be. He needed an encounter with God, and that’s just what the brother got. “And the Angel of the Lord...
by Troy Brewer | Oct 30, 2020 | Blog
PASSING ON THE FAMILY NAME As I get older, I’m very aware of how precious it is to have my dad in my life. He’s the patriarch of the Brewer clan. There’s going to be a day when my dad hands that baton over to me. As the patriarch, there’s something I have to pass over...
by Troy Brewer | Oct 29, 2020 | Blog
ALIGNMENT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT The Promised Land is not just an open place, it’s an assigned territory. While the Promised Land is huge, I’ll tell you right now, there are borders to it. God Almighty will say to you, “I want you to cultivate, steward, and to...
by Troy Brewer | Oct 28, 2020 | Blog
GO WITH THE FLOW In Promised Land living, God’s goodness is flowing with milk and honey. Did you catch that? The important word here is “flowing.” Why is “flowing” a game-changer? Because it means “continual” and “far-reaching.” It means it’s for every single...
by Troy Brewer | Oct 27, 2020 | Blog
A KING OF PEACE So what does it look like when Jesus finally gets to be the King? The answer is in the book of Revelation. In Revelation, we see that He elevates, honors, and rewards those who love Him. He shares everything He has and everything He is with His...