Your nature is to seek the applause of man as you increase in all areas of your life. I applaud those who allow Me to increase in their life. I am ready to be the fullness in your life. Make room for Me.
There is something that separates religious people from those who have a true and ongoing encounter with Jesus. They understand that Jesus must increases in their life as they decrease.
For you, that means you are getting small and God is getting big – you are giving Him preeminence in all things. God takes priority not just over your marriage, your finances, job, parenting and every part of your life – it means He takes priority in those things and every part of your life.
Your walk with God is a lifetime of learning how to give Him priority over and in every part of your life. John the Baptist put it this way:
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30
The understanding of “Christ in me” is a promise that I am going to get smaller and smaller, while He gets bigger and bigger. At some point, He will be so enlarged in my life that people are going to see Him, not Troy, and that’s the point!
The promise is that some day, I’m going to supernova and Jesus is going to come busting up out of me in a way that doesn’t leave any trace of me. Until that glorious day, I’m going to be part of His camp, so it’s up to me to get this thing right. It is my job to get small.
How about you? Are you still looking for the spotlight and the praise of men? Do you find ways to look important or drop names of folks you think are impressive?
If you’re a legend in your own mind, stop it! Start bragging on God and what He’s done. The credit is His alone! Only then can God bring you to your destiny so you can truly be used for His purpose and glory.
From my sermon series LORD OF THE HARVEST