Remember what I have done for you. You have seen Me rescue you, provide for and heal you. You know My power. It is just a real in your life as it was for Moses. Do not doubt. Believe My power is for you, today and every tomorrow.
You need to be very, very, very careful of the religious spirit of the day that you and I live in. The wrong spirit that says the power of God is way off in the future. The power of God is not here right now.
You see, religious people view the power of God through the telescope of a long, long time ago or long, long time from now. They deny the power of God right now and it causes Jesus to weep.
It breaks His heart. It makes Him think, “Man, I have so many good things for you, and they’re for you. They are for you and you won’t even open the package, you won’t even go there. You won’t cross the line of what is accepted among your peers.”
Listen, it’s not dangerous to know that God will do something great, someday. And by the way, it’s a good thing to believe. I believe that. It’s also not dangerous to believe that God did something great a long time ago.
But it’s very dangerous to believe that God is doing something great today.
You and I, as drop-dead, sold out Jesus freaks, need to separate the “somedays” from “right now.” I want to see the power of God, right now. I don’t want to wait until I die to know Jesus and you shouldn’t either.
I want to know Him. I want to know Him right now. I want to have peace, right now. I want to have transformation, right now. I want to pray for the sick and see the sick healed, right now. Man, I want to see heaven invade earth, right now.
Do you want these things? Do you want them right now, on this earth? Know and have faith that Jesus has power right now, and that same resurrection power lives in you. You are made for such a time as this – right now!
And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you. – Romans 8:11
From my sermon series EXODUS