You were created to accomplish My vision. Not only do I have a plan for you and your life, I’ve planned how you will uplift others and glorify My name. Partner with me to bring this plan to fruition.
If you are not surrounded by people who love you, celebrate you and recognize you as a person of God, get away from those people. They are toxic to your advancement in Jesus.
Give them the left foot of fellowship and tell them, “I will see you on the Great Day. I will love you, but I will love you from a distance.”
I spent most of my life surrounded by people who didn’t understand me. How many times did I hear, “You’re just not like us…” I wanted them to love me. I wanted to fit in and tried to be like them, but I just wasn’t. To them, I was weird.
Today, I know that everyone is weird, especially you. Yes, you are weird. You’re unique, but believe me, there is a calling on your life only you can do and a tribe that is perfect for you.
As your pastor, I say, “Permission granted for you to be you, and do what you do!”
If the place you want to serve God, or how you want to serve God, has not been traditionally recognized in the Body of Christ, go anyway. Take the Spirit of the Living God into the streets, ditches, jungles, suburbs – all four corners of the earth.
You have something amazing to offer that nobody else does. Those who tell you otherwise are whack! They are not part of your tribe. Yes, there are other people who think like you. Find them. Go after your passion and leave the frozen chosen to their potlucks.
“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” – Colossians 3:23
From my sermon series I LOVE MY TRIBE