It is for freedom’s sake that I have set you free. Walk in the knowledge that I will never try to control your thoughts or actions. I like your uniqueness and revel in every stage of your progress. Keep moving forward toward My destiny for you.
Listen, our entire walk is not suppose to be about us getting saved. It’s about saved people bringing the Kingdom to a lost and dying world.
If you’re saved, you do not need to earn your salvation over and over again. It’s time to move forward and learn to grow up. These steps are called “rites of passage.”
Baptism is very much a universal, Body of Christ, rite of passage. Baptism is where you say, “I’m leaving some things from my past in the water. I’m coming out on the other side of this, and things are different from now on.”
God will honor that. He really will.
Another rite of passage is raising your hands in worship. I know there are a lot of churches where people who raise their hands are shunned or looked at as showoffs of some kind. That’s so not true!
Christians raise their hands for the same reason unsaved people do: surrender, celebration, victory or reaching up for our Daddy to pick us up. When you get to a place where you understand the significance and are comfortable doing that in church, it’s a big deal.
The frozen chosen have been telling people how to do church for too long. It’s time to thaw out. There are some things unique to this tribe, OpenDoor Church, that don’t make sense to other tribes in the Body of Christ. One of them is freedom.
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. – 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Just like God – who is love – does not demand His own way, but gives us free will to choose Him, this tribe operates in freedom. Like Jesus, we’re not about controlling anybody. We’re about freedom to be who you’re called to be, even if you’re weird. We like weird.
We’re not going to shun you for being a drop-dead, sold-out Jesus freak. Be who God has called you to be and walk in the gifts he’s given you because in this tribe, you are free to grow!