I have loved you from the beginning with an everlasting love. Before I spoke the universe into existence, I saw you. I saw your pain and your struggles. I also saw My likeness and said, “It is good. There there be…”


Let me tell you about God. He’s a Father and good fathers understand this important truth –  “my kids are weird.”

If you have kids, let me tell you something about them – they’re weird.

Your kids are not going to be you, and they’re not suppose to be you. Fathers, that’s why you should not frustrate them. That’s what the Word is talking about when it says, “fathers, do not exasperate your kids” and try and make them be somebody they’re not.

You need to be okay with them being who they were meant to be. It’s your job to help them be the very best “them” they can be – to approve of your kids even though they’re not exactly like you.

It would have been a terrible mistake for me to demand that my kids would be in the ministry when they grew up. So many preachers have done that, and they’ve lost their kids because of it.

Know this: it’s the Church that doesn’t like weirdness, not Jesus. I’ve been a part of so many tribes within the Body of Christ all over the world and I can tell you this – all are filled with really weird people. Jesus loves that. He loves your weirdness and celebrates your uniqueness, so embrace that in your kids. Your Father knows best.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. – Ephesians 6:4

From my sermon series I LOVE MY TRIBE