You are made in my image. Not only do you have My ability to love and forgive, you are eternal. Seek My face. Know My eyes are always smiling on you. There is no condemnation.
I was just thinking about the face of the Lord and what it means to know His face.
It’s one thing to seek the Lord concerning His hand, it’s another to seek Him concerning His voice, and it’s still another thing to seek Him concerning His face.
To know Him face to face is such a big deal and I want to tell you, you don’t just get in the face of Jesus. You get in the face of Jesus by invitation only.
Now, Moses would get in the face of Jesus, but there was a cloud and he couldn’t actually see Him. Moses would meet with Him and the Lord would speak to him face to face, then He defined what that meant when the Bible says:
The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. – Exodus 33:11a
This means God was saying, “This is a different kind of friendship. We’re going to talk, to get to know each other. I can’t show you My face Moses, because if I did, you would just supernova.”
Father God eventually did lift that cloud and let Moses see His face and, that brother did supernova. He probably couldn’t wait for God to say, “OK, Moses. Are you ready? TA-DA!”
But that was before Jesus. Jesus removed the veil between God and man. He ripped in half the thing that keeps us from seeing His face. Jesus wants to be known by you and to know you.
Amazing isn’t it? A God who loves. A God who wants to know you personally and intimately. A God who wants you to know Him the same way. This is how I know Jesus is the One True God. All man-made idols throughout the world and throughout the ages hate humans and enjoy punishing and torturing mankind. They are made in our image.
What’s real is that we are made in His. Show someone the face of Jesus today. He loves it when we look like Him!
From my sermon series JESUS UNVEILED