The smaller you get, the bigger He becomes to you. God wants to be big in your life. He wants first place. Push all distractions aside and hone in on the unconditional love of your Father. Whether you’re in a prison of your own making or you are there by no fault of your own, He is there and He loves you the same!


I like preaching in prison. Not only do you have the proverbial captive audience, but some of them are really scary and dangerous. In those times, a special anointing of God is upon you. That’s probably why I like it so much.

Miracles break out in prison when you preach God’s mercy to men and women who had no mercy on others. It’s about loving on those everyone hates and remembering people everybody wants to forget.
That’s radical and that is Jesus!  

Now, most of the church fails to recognize the revival that has been going on behind bars in this country. I’ve had several people tell me they doubt the sincerity of convicted drug lords, rapists, murderers and thieves as they receive Jesus. “Aren’t most of them just playing games?” they ask.

My response is that in all my years of ministry and pastoring, I’ve never been to a service yet where somebody wasn’t playing games. It doesn’t keep me from preaching on Sunday, so why would it keep my from sharing the Gospel in prison?

Because I understand this, I see there is a radical move of God going on in our prisons today. Why? The answer is in 1 Kings 19:11-12 when God reveals Himself to a dejected Elijah.

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a still small voice.

Still and small is not only a description of the way God speaks life into us, it is also a description of the heart that hears the voice of God! Read that again.

Prison is a place were you are forced to become still. Your life is put on hold. You starve to be busy doing anything. You have few choices and most of them are made by someone else.

Prison is also a place where you get small. No matter how tough you are, there are 10 guys tougher, and likely crazier, than you are on each cell block. You are no longer the big dog.

And prison is a place of disappointment, shame and heartache. It is perfect for a move of God because for the majority of the men and women locked up, it’s the first time they’ve truly been still and small. For the first time, they recognize the voice of the Lord. Their humility allows miracles to bust out.

What about you? You may not be behind literal bars, but are you incarcerated by your past, your addictions, your anger or your circumstances? Put your pride and arrogance aside.