
Pastors Troy and Leanna Brewer are all about being the literal hands and feet of Jesus in their community. They have expanded globally to carry out the mandates of heaven on this earth by actively loving God and people.  Joining forces with them is a select team of down-to-earth people who have experienced the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and believe in the practical application and responsibility of being in covenant with Jesus. They believe in preaching the Gospel, not in word only, but in demonstration. They believe in loving and giving not with flattering words and gifts, but living a lifestyle of compassion toward others 24/7. They not only teach and study in depth about God, they press forward to know Him intimately and share the intimacy and wonder of Him with others. It is the heart of Troy Brewer Ministries to radiate the heart of Jesus – to demonstrate the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit in a way that is life changing.

A lifelong resident of Texas,Troy is the founding and senior Pastor of OpenDoor Church. He is known for his relevant and authentic teachings, amazing insights and studies on the wonders of God – including astronomy and numerology – his radical love for Jesus, and his passion for serving people beyond the norm. As a sixth generation Texan, and descendant of Henry Brewer, who fought at the battle of San Jacinto, Troy also has a passion for all things Texas. Troy has been married to his beautiful wife, Leanna, for 26 years, has four grown children and two grandchildren.

He and Leanna travel the globe rescuing children from sex trafficking and establishing orphanages to house and care for them. They have rescued children from dump sites, purchased slaves from drug lords and brothels, then brought them to Jesus. Troy has traveled to at least 37 nations, many of them multiple times, building churches, food banks, orphanages and schools. Today, Troy continues to partner with Jesus to feed thousands of people in his community through OpenDoor Food Bank, which began out of the back of his truck in 1995.

Troy has spoken at conferences throughout the world, and as a musician, has contributed to more than 25 CDs. His popular radio program “Experiencing Real Life” can be heard across the nation on the Penfold Radio Network. He has also written several books including his best seller “Numbers That Preach,” and continues to write the syndicated newspaper column “Fresh From the Brewer.” Troy Brewer is a one-of-a-kind Christ follower – a true extension of the arms of Jesus. He is a servant whose greatest desire is to bring the authenticity of Jesus and the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven into the lives of people around the world.


With the help of his wife, Leanna, Troy Brewer founded the Open Door Food Bank from the back of his truck in 1995. Within three months, they were supporting 71 isolated elderly on a weekly basis. From that first outreach, all of Troy’s ministries were born. OpenDoor Ministries, now OpenDoor Church, is focused on reaching the non-churched by building relationships through outreaches throughout Johnson County. With a foundation of love and sacrifice, God continues to increase Troy Brewer Ministries, stretching his borders of ministry as he and his team spread the authenticity of Jesus throughout the nations.


Some of the greater ministries TBM is actively involved in:



Troy’s unique, authentic teaching is heard daily throughout the United States on his popular radio program “Experiencing Real Life.” Broadcast daily on the Penfold Radio Network, it has a potential listening audience of literally millions. Troy’s intention is to bring clear, hopeful, relevant teaching that demonstrates the amazing heart of Jesus in our everyday lives.



Troy teaches conferences on various subjects each year across the U.S. and throughout the world. He is known internationally for his powerful teaching and gift for humor.



Troy has a passion for “reaching Christians for Jesus” and teaches from his pulpit at OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas. His unique style and revelatory perspective brings clear, simple understanding to complex kingdom issues and principles.



Troy is the author of nine published books and has written the forward on more than a dozen others. TBM will continue to produce books and other resource materials to encourage and edify the body of Christ.



Troy is not just a sender, he is actually a “goer” to the nations. He teaches pastors conferences, worship conferences, prophetic conferences and church building conferences all over the world. He has spoken personally to Sir Richard Bransom in the British Virgin Islands. He has visited with his Highness Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II, King of Buganda, and does work throughout the world on behalf of orphaned and hurting children. Troy has built several orphanages and dug wells to bring life-giving water to the needy across the globe. In 2014 alone, he did work in 20 nations. TBM will continue to have a heart for the nations and for the people we are in relationship with who are making a big difference throughout the world.



As a professional singer, songwriter and guitarist, Troy does all he can to continue to “run to worship” and invite any and all to jump in with him. He has multiple albums and thousands of songs to his credit. However, he truly enjoys working as a chaplain and life coach to well known secular and Christian artists. TBM is hosting and arranging worship events through the world.




TBM partners feed literally tens of thousands of people every year through OpenDoor Food Bank, SPARKWorldWide and on going homeless outreaches with OpenDoor Church, which Troy founded.

In 2014, OpenDoor Food Bank gave away more than 3.5 million pounds of food to more than 47,000 documented recipients in Johnson County alone.



Troy Brewer Ministries is actively involved in benevolence for single moms, back-to-school supplies for needy children, Christmas gifts for thousands of families, emergency aid to people in crisis, homes for orphans, and much, much more.  Basically, he will do anything he can to introduce Jesus as “the “Balm of Gilead” and the greatest healer ever.



TBM is actively supporting orphans and working with vulnerable children in Mexico, India, Columbia, Uganda and other nations as well. Plans are underway to do even more in the area of delivering women from the scourge of international sex trafficking, including delivering a petition, with what we hope will be millions of signatures, to the United Nations in New York City to stand for international legislation against these atrocities.


Ultimately, TBM is doing everything it can to effectively to show the world Jesus, teach the Word of God and help people in need. This is the past, present an future of all things Troy Brewer.