Prayer | Resources | Giving | 1.877.413.0888 | 24 Hours

Prayer | Resources | Giving | 1.877.413.0888 | 24 Hours


Hello my friends and welcome to an exciting new offering from Troy Brewer Ministries.

You know I’m committed to helping you experience real life and transformation through truth and supernatural teaching. I also want to encourage you to demonstrate the heart of Jesus to a hurting world.

Now you can discover the reality of Jesus in your everyday life through my awesome free Daily Transformation coming soon to an inbox near you!

These empowering prophetic messages will take you to a deeper level of knowledge and relationship with King Jesus as you pursue His kingdom purpose for your life. Topics will include:

•          Miracles and the Messages: Discover how God rescues His people through the amazing acts I personally have witnessed, and why God’s best for your life goes beyond the miraculous.

•          Forward Momentum and Kingdom Advancement: Receive creative insights into the life-giving transformation of Kingdom upgrade. Discover your destiny. Step out of the wilderness and into Promised Land living.

•          The Struggle for your Soul: Discover how to break free from the devil’s lies in your life, armor up for the battle for your mind, and overcome self doubt to win a spirit-led mentality to live a life filled with God’s favor.

•          The Goodness of God: Discover how to personally experience the goodness of God, become His Goodness and demonstrate the heart of Jesus to the POWs – prisoners of a cosmic war for the hearts of men.

Through these unique teachings, and the power of the Holy Spirit you will be equipped to answer the heart of evil with the goodness of God by liberating the captives: the lost, hurt and enslaved.

Looking for upgrade, favor, wisdom and revelation in your life, but not sure how to get it? Want to discover personal freedom and transformation in your Christian walk? 

Experience more of the real life God has planned for you. Sign up now for my free daily devotion.

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