February 01, 2025 – 02/01/2025
2 – A Faithful Witness & Being Set Apart
1 – Unity


When the Day of Pentecost had fully come,
they were all  with one accord in one place.  – Acts 2:1 NKJV 

When we say that the goodness of God leads to repentance, it means you can change over and over. I continue to change in my 35 years of marriage. Leanna changed right off the bat and moved out of the big city to the shack. She left her friends and her family because she loved me. That’s what repentance means. She left the thing that was always familiar to her, the thing that was always comfortable to her, the thing that always made sense. She stepped out of that for the promise of a life that the two of us could have, and she laid down her life.

I have never met another woman on the face of the planet who would be willing to go through what Leanna has been through to stay with me for all the years and all the missions and all the poverty and all the hardship that we had been through fighting for the ministry. Nobody else would have done it.

The way she laid down her life and conformed her life so that we could live together is exactly what Jesus is offering us when He says, “I want you to repent.”

It is conforming to the compatibility of the manifest presence of Jesus. God will show up and say, “Hey, I’m about to move you into something big, very good, and brand new. To conform to this, I’m going to be King in your life in a new way. You will have to walk away from some things and make room for Me.”

Repentance is conforming to the compatibility of His presence. Marriage is about conforming to the compatibility of each other. You conform your life to the promise that God Almighty has given you.

Declaration: There is nothing in this world I want or need more than I want and need to be in one accord with God. I know that when I conform to His ways, then I will be compatible with other believers and with the other people in my life. I love His goodness and the way He loves me. Even if I could survive without His presence, it would not be “life” to me.

From My Prophetic Teaching:  Keep The Change