January 28, 2025 – 01/28/2025

1 – Unity
28 – Times & Seasons


Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
– Genesis 1:28 NKJV

I’m an atmosphere fanatic. I haven’t always been like that. When I was a kid, everything I did looked like someone was moving hell, and I was the very first load! I was a mess. My room looked like a 747 had failed a crash landing, and my school locker was filled with unspeakable things that grew and multiplied in the dark. There was very little order in my messed up world, and my world was messed up because of it. Maybe you can relate to this.

Something happened when I got saved. I began to appreciate the value of stewarding environments and creating atmospheres. I have learned to be very intentional about the surroundings I keep myself in. I learned this from Jesus.

God created a beautiful garden for Adam and Eve to live in. He produced a fiery, thunderous environment on the mountain to bring Moses the law. He fashioned stillness to bring His intimate voice to comfort Elijah because the context of setting is very important to producing a specific outcome.

God knows this, but so does the devil—aka the prince of the power of the air.

Wherein in time past, you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience – Ephesians 2:2

The Word says satan is the spirit working in ungodly people, and one of the ways he controls them is by controlling the atmosphere. Most don’t realize they’ve given over a big part of their lives to the enemy. They willingly live in an atmosphere designed by evil.

How many churches teach the Bible in an atmosphere of judgment, superiority or self-righteousness? How many daddies take their kids to church, but when they come home from work, they cower in an atmosphere of anger? How many wives have destroyed their marriages because they built an atmosphere of hostility and control over their husbands?

That’s not you. If it is, stop it. Repent and take inventory of the atmosphere you’re not only living but creating. It should look more like Heaven than hell.

Declaration:  I open my life and invite God into everything. He is changing the atmosphere in my earthly domain. I will no longer let hell have a place in my world. Heaven on Earth will be made manifest in my home, my family, my work, and my friends. I live in the presence of the Lord, and His glory surrounds me.

From My Book:  Good Overcomes Evil