January 24, 2025 – 01/24/2025
1 – Unity
24 – Perfect Government Made Manifest
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you
faultless, before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
both now and forever. Amen. Jude 1:24-25
Here is a concept I need you to understand: In the Kingdom of God, you do not fight for victory. You fight from victory.
You are already positioned in victory and for victory. Jesus is just waiting for you to step out and be the warrior He created you to be!
From faith to faith – Romans 1:17
You leap to the next level of faith from the victory of your current breakthrough in faith. When God heals you of a cold, it is from that place you begin to reach for faith in healing a major disease. When you see someone healed of a major disease, momentum carries you to reach for faith to raise the dead. This momentum comes from encounter and personal experience only.
From glory to glory – 2 Corinthians 3:18
Glory is when your right relationship with God becomes manifest. When you go from glory to glory, you move from deep to deeper places of relationship. That’s why the Bible says in Psalms 42:7 that “Deep calls unto deep…” God takes us into what is extraordinary and makes it a common way of life.
From everlasting to everlasting – Psalms 41:13
Eternity invades the temporary, and heaven invades Earth through the momentum of the last way you experienced eternity move into time. Momentum is so powerful; just think how much time the enemy must spend trying to put the brakes on your momentum! He doesn’t want you to be an unstoppable freight train of God’s goodness, generosity, or power.
He wants you to take a step, then freeze up for a while, or forget to move forward at all. But that’s not you!
Declaration: I am committed to fighting the good fight. The Lord is bringing me into a new assignment where my victory has been predetermined. I walk with confidence since He is with me!
From My Book: Living Life Forward