January 22, 2025 – 01/22/2025

1 – Unity
22 – Personal Revelation


And He put all things under His feet and gave Him to be head over all things to the church.  Ephesians 1:22 NKJV

When you have a purpose, you can focus without being distracted by your haters.

The first step to handling your haters—those who want what you have but don’t want to go through the hell you went through to get it—is to be a purpose-driven person. When you’re being persecuted, remain confident in your purpose no matter what!

Jesus was. Despite everything going on around Him, the Bible says He set His face toward Jerusalem and His ultimate purpose.

Now it came to pass when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem – Luke 9:51

He was going to Jerusalem to die, and it didn’t matter if the disciples, the Samaritans, His family, or anyone else was on board or not. You see when you have a purpose, it doesn’t devastate you when you’re not invited out with friends. You know who you are and whose you are, so it doesn’t matter if people understand what you do or how you do it.

When you have a purpose, you’re not going to be confounded when people you thought were loyal bail because of the influence of others. Your purpose is not defined by what others think of your performance.

Need an example? Church. If you are committed to coming to church, somebody will talk bad about you. You need to have some things settled within your spirit. I do. I don’t come to church to make friends, join clicks, get somebody’s number, or because I am lonely. I come to church to teach, learn, serve, and worship. I know my purpose, and I have been through too much to let anyone keep me from it.

Can you say that about church or other things in your life? What is your purpose? If you don’t know, ask God and keep on asking until your calling is clear. Just know there are worse things than being criticized or hated.

One of those things is missing the good things God has for you, like your purpose.

Declaration:  God has a purpose and a plan for my life. I seek Him daily to find what my purpose is for this season. It is His desire to make my purpose known to me; it is my desire to walk in it.

From My Book:  Soul Invasion