January 16, 2024 – 01/16/2025

1 – Unity
16 – The Love of God


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. – Matthew 5:16 NKJV

When you are blessed by God and begin to prosper in business, ministry, relationships, school or whatever endeavor you choose to glorify Him, you will have haters. People will be jealous and want what you have.

Know this: they have only partial eyesight. They can’t see that, for all your blessings, you’ve had to go through a lot of hell to get what you have. They see your glory, but they don’t see your story.

Here is a great rule of thumb when it comes to being envious of those who seem to be more blessed: If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can be sure their water bill is higher than yours.

This is true in the natural, as well as the spiritual. There is no such thing as a great man or woman of God without great affliction.

Look in the Bible. You don’t find a single awesome person of God who didn’t have a major malfunction to deal with every day. When cursed people see blessed people, they don’t see the price they had to pay each and every day to maintain that blessing.

An overweight person might dislike someone who is fit, but they don’t consider the choices that skinny person makes every day to look like that. It’s really that simple! If you want what someone else has, be willing to pay the price they paid to get it. If not, change what you want to match what you’re willing to pay for.

Better yet, want what God has for you. It’s better than what He has for me because it’s something uniquely tailored for your life. When haters attack your character and calling, continue to be a purpose-driven person and know you’re in good company. The world hated Jesus and it hates those who bear the family resemblance. So look like Jesus and do good!

Declaration: The Lord is working through me to become who He intends for me to be. I am intentional about cooperating with Him and walking in integrity. I want everything that God has for me because I know it is the best thing in the world and that He designed it for me. I will bring Him glory.

From My Book: Soul Invasion