January 13, 2024 – 01/13/2025

1 – Unity

13 – Rebellion


In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. – Ephesians 1:13 NKJV

I had only been saved a few months when I found myself in the back row of a tent meeting in Grand Prairie, Texas. The long-haired preacher was wearing a white suit and fancy watch. He ranted revelation, preached, and prophesied for three hours straight, an organ playing behind him and the crowd drenched in sweat on a hot August night.

About to bolt, the power of God rocked my 19-year-old world. That preacher made his way back to my seat and said, “God showed me you’re involved in a court case.”

I was. He had my full attention. He went on to say he would give me a word on Friday that would totally change my life, but I had to come every night and sit in the presence of God because God was going to change me. It took some doing, but I made it there every night. I thank God I did.

That preacher and prophet told me I was a preacher God was going to send all over the world. He told me to humble myself and love the people I was in court with because one day, they would be family.

Now, I had no notions of ministry and had never really traveled, but the Lord did His work through the Holy Spirit. And yes, the family I was in court with has been a big part of my life and ministry. My youngest daughter now shares their last name. Years have come and gone, and all that preacher prophesied has come to pass. Though the prophecy was powerful, it wasn’t what changed me. It was the presence of the Lord that truly changed my life that week.

I fell in love with Jesus. He pounded a word into my life about advancement and progression. Now I’m pounding it into you.

Now may the God of peace…equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight… – Hebrews 13:20-21

Declaration: I position myself to hear from God. He has a word for me, and I want Him to rock my world. I make time to be still and invite His presence. I quiet my mind of the noise of life around me so I can hear everything He wants to tell me. I love the Lord and love having time with Him.

From My Book: Living Life Forward