January 12, 2024 – 01/12/2025

1 – Unity

12 – Perfect Government


But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name,  John 1:12 NKJV

It used to be when somebody shook your hand or gave their word or when somebody put their name on something; you could count on it. That day is long gone in America.

We still shake hands, give folks our word, and sign our name to things, but we do so with a loophole in mind. We keep a lawyer in our back pocket to file for bankruptcy, divorce, or make an amendment to the promise we made. We do what we say as long as it’s good for us. Once the advantages are no longer obvious, the courtroom drama ensues. Bottom line: we no longer have a “covenant mentality.”

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…” – Philippians 2:5

You see, you have to choose to be the person who is lawfully wedded, who pays their bills, or fulfills the contractual obligations you’ve signed up for. So, what is a covenant mentality? It is a sold-out “all I have is yours, and all you have is mine” way of thinking. Sound a bit scary? It is, but it is the right way of thinking because it’s how God thinks. It is also the mentality that God has toward you. A covenant mentality produces integrity, character, and reliability. Is that you?

There is an idea in our generation that it’s OK to cheat on your taxes, your spouse, or your boss as long as you don’t get caught. I have news for you. If you’ve taken the name of Christ and become part of God’s family, you will get caught! Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. – Galatians 6:7

Paul wrote the above letter to let believers know God will not let those who bear His name, dirty it or His reputation by sowing evil. He promises they will “reap” or get caught and suffer the consequences of their actions so they can be convicted and then restored.

As Christians, we are in covenant with Him, and it’s a covenant worth keeping!

Declaration:  Since I’ve been created in His image to be a bearer of His Glory, I am also a co-heir with Christ for the continuation of His great works. My soul rejoices!

From My Book: Redeeming Your Timeline