January 05, 2024 – 01/05/2025

1 – Unity
5 – The Grace of God


Through Him we have received grace and apostleship
for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name.
– Romans 1:5 (NKJV)

This is a double five-year, which means there is a double grace.  The Hebrew year is 5785, which has two fives, so there are two Hebrew letters, Heys, in it. The Hey represents God’s Breath. This year is 2025; 25 is five squared, which is another double five.

God’s invitation is this, “Come and seek Me concerning My grace, and I will add a new layer to the layer I’ve already given you.” The Lord is saying, Come and visit me at a certain time about a certain subject, and I will add a new layer of revelation to it simply because you showed up.

It is good to pick a time of year when we come before Him and say, “I’m going to get set up for the year to come. I need to get real about the places in my life where I’m a little bit too loose, and I’m open to temptation in some areas. Pray and decide to close the opening to things that pull you away from God.

I have a list of many “I Will” prayers to help me. I also have “I Will Not” prayers to strengthen me. Three very important ones are: I will not fall into temptation. I will not fall into delusion. I will not fall into deception.

What are the doors that you opened that you need to close? That’s a really good thing to look at when it’s a delusion, but not only the delusion of just your perception of reality through what lenses we look through.

This is also about our perception of reality based on how we feel about things. Often, the way that we think or the fact that we feel a certain way about it is a result of what we have been taught to believe. We can have an emotional investment in something we believe to be true, but it’s not true.

When the Spirit of the Lord moves, you may realize you have wasted a lot of years being mad over something that should have never been mad over it. You may realize you’ve wasted a lot of time thinking and feeling things based on a lie. If we let Him in, the Lord helps us concerning our emotions in such a big way.

Declaration: The grace of God is a blessing to me as I contemplate changes I need to make in my life this year. I am grateful that I can come to Him and be met by His grace to change the things I can. I ask Him for wisdom to know how to improve my kingdom walk.

From Prophetic Teaching: 5785