December 25, 2024 – 12/25/2024
12 – Perfect Government
25 – Grace for Grace
The prophecies about the birth of Jesus are so important to know and understand. This one might be my favorite. It’s an obscure prophecy about the birth of Jesus that’s not just about the town where He would be born. It pinpoints the Messiah’s birthplace down to the very square foot.
Like the prophecy about Messiah being born in Bethlehem, this is also in the book of Micah. “And you, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come, even the former dominion shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.” – Micah 4:8
What is the tower of the flock? It’s the place where the Levitical shepherds kept newborn lambs that passed the test of being born spotless. They would be sacrificed in the Temple for the sins of the people. Hmmm.
And get this, the Tower of the Flock was in the “Shepherd’s field.” The exact same field where King David watched his flocks when he was a boy. Jesus is from the line of David. He was literally born in the tower of his “Father David” to be a sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world.
But that’s not all! The priests would wrap the lambs in “swaddling clothes” – the ripped-up priestly garments covered in the blood of past sacrifices. Instead of throwing them out because they were now unclean, the Levites used them to protect the spotless lambs. That means Jesus was wrapped in the “blood of the sacrificial lamb” from birth!
It gets even better. They also used these cloths to make wicks for the menorah. It’s like they knew Jesus was the light of the world! They didn’t, but God did, and He was prophesying it loud and clear at the Tower of the Flock. Check out what the angel said:
“And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” – Luke 2:12
The Levitical shepherds knew at the words “swaddling clothes” exactly where to look for the Messiah. There was only one place it could be and it’s so prophetic! My friends, God fulfills His prophetic words – every one of them down to the slightest jot or tittle. His word can be trusted.
Declaration: My God is an awesome God. He planned ways to let me know He is on the throne so I could know I have nothing to fear. He has shown me grace upon grace by letting me come into His presence, learn how to hear Him in all the ways He is speaking to me, and draw me closer to Him than ever. What a perfect gift of Light and Love came down on Christmas!
From My Sermon Series: The Indescribable Gift