December 09, 2024 – 12/09/2024

12 – Perfect Government
9 – Fruit Bearing (+) Judgment (-)


Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Romans 12:9  NLT 

Mother Teresa was not just a person. She was a type and a symbol in our generation. Her selflessness affected our very culture, and she became a worldwide symbol of grace and virtue. 

She was and still is a symbol of selfless service to both people and God. She was known to have great love for people: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35 NKJV.

Therefore, Mother Teresa represents a disciple of Christ, and as a nun, she symbolizes the bride of Christ. 

Sometimes, I get criticized because I don’t say things just to please other people.  Neither did Mother Teresa.  Once, when talking to the nuns at her convent, she said, “If you don’t have zeal to help the poor, to take care of the leper, you should pack up and go home, for you have no reason to stay.” 

[Jesus] gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good work. Titus 2:14 NKJV 

I remember seeing this headline: “Mother Teresa, Friend to the Lowliest Dies.”  That same headline would describe how Jesus lived while He walked the earth.  He waded into a sea of human beings, moved among them, met them where they were, loved them fiercely, and touched and healed them all. 

In some situations where Leanna and I travel to bring Jesus to hurting people all over the globe, we see things that are hard to see and hard to deal with. I have called it a terrible privilege to serve there. It is terrible to see the circumstances, but it is a privilege to be trusted by Jesus to go there and serve those living there. Mother Teresa served with that same privilege.  

Declaration: My heart is tender and compassionate for others, and I look for ways to reach out to the hurting world and bring the love of Jesus. My eyes are focused on the Kingdom plan He has for me. My ears listen attentively to hear what He is saying to me. Today is a great day to love the way Jesus loves.  

From My Book: Numbers That Prophesy