December 07, 2024 – 12/07/2024

12 – Perfect Government
  7 – The Spirit of God


And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:7 NLT 

Seven means the Spirit of God—This is the number that marks where God is doing something by His Spirit apart from any other source. There’s really no reason for the year to be divided up into seven-day increments that we call weeks. Why isn’t a week five days, 10 days, or even 12? There is no reason for that except the fact that God set it up for us to pay attention to the seventh day from the very beginning. 

The true and living God declared that human beings would live with a perspective and awareness of seven. While six days belong to hard work, labor, and the trouble men face, there has always been, from the very beginning, hope for the seventh day. 

God wants us to put our hope in Him. The first understanding that anyone ever had of God after the fall of Adam was that there was hope for rest on the day that God gave preeminence. That’s the basic standard for what seven represents. Seven is where the Spirit of God brings us hope and something to look forward to—something that was promised and even commanded.  

Donald Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old on his first full day as President of the United States, and that happened during the year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar. He had the number stamped 777 on him on his first day. He is a type. A type that represents a move of God that was supposed to be happening among us.   

Seven represents something that would surely come to pass. It all has to do with the Spirit of God wrapping something up or perfecting it. God intended for Trump to become President because God knew he would accomplish some of God’s desires for the United States and for Israel.   

Our hope is in the Lord, not in any man, but God speaks to us to show us when He is working through things by marking it with the number seven. Let us always trust God and pray for our President and all of our leaders. 

Declaration: My spiritual eyes are open to see all the Lord is showing me. My spiritual ears are open to hear Him when He whispers to me or when He thunders.  He is life to me, and I don’t want to miss a thing He has for me. 

From My Book: Numbers That Prophesy