November 30, 2024 – 11/30/2024

11 – Heroes Rising (+) Disorder (-)
30 – Acts of Redemption & Accomplishing Priestly Service


“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:30 NKJV 

I think there are some things you need to be bound and determined to get right. We have to decide we are not going to spend 20 years of our lives spinning our wheels anymore. 

We have to be the kind of people who not only believe that Jesus Christ is resurrected from the dead, but we need to be people who absolutely believe that Jesus Christ is coming back again.   

We’re following Him because He is God Almighty in the flesh. He came as a son to put a face on the Father so we know what God looks like. He ascended and said He’s coming back.  

It’s important that we are a church that believes Jesus is coming back. There’s a big difference between a Christianity that says it isn’t sure if Jesus is coming back and a Christianity that says, “I know for certain that Jesus is coming back.” We are a prophetic Church that believes in and looks forward to the glorious and imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ.