November 23, 2024 – 11/23/2024
11 – Heroes Rising (+) Disorder (-)
23 – Being in the Presence of God (+) Death (-)
So, he answered and said to his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends. But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him.’ – Luke 15:29-30 NKJV
But what about the other brother? The oldest and heir to the larger portion, he has served the Father day in and day out. While on the surface, it seems he’s the heroic son, there is something festering deep inside. He feels like an orphan despite his obvious place of honor in the Father’s heart.
“I work the ranch and do whatever you say. I never complain or confront,
and this is the thanks I get? You’ve never thrown a party for me. You’ve never fired up the barbecue for my friends.” Somebody call that boy a “waaambulance!”
It is clear from this account that the Father is good. We’re not questioning His character. We are questioning the oldest son’s. Despite the evidence, he has created a narrative where he is overlooked, unloved, and unrewarded. He manifests the Orphan Spirit, which has sold him the lie that good works trump relationship. They don’t and never will. As a matter of fact, relationship is the antidote to the Orphan Spirit.
While the younger brother made himself a literal orphan out of pride and selfishness, the older brother was competitive and jealous. He made himself a spiritual orphan out of fear and insecurity. The Father has not rejected either of his sons. They have rejected their right standing with Him—one in body, the other in spirit.
Do you see it? You’ve never been rejected. The Father’s love has never moved. You did. Whether you moved in the natural by embracing the world for a season or if you moved in your heart by convincing yourself that you were abandoned, you are not an orphan. He’s there with a ring of covenant and a robe of authority. He’s not only killed the proverbial fatted calf—the Lamb of God—for you, He’s given you “all things richly to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). You have a place at His table, and that’s worth celebrating!
Declaration: I know that my Father loves me, so I walked in confidence with the authority that He has given me to participate in His Kingdom. I renounce any thoughts that I have been an orphan and celebrate the love God feels for me. My relationship with God is my first priority, and I will protect it.
From My Teaching: Shattering Spiritual Strongholds: Orphan Spirit