November 18, 2024 – 11/18/2024

11 – Heroes Rising (+) Disorder (-)
18 – Life More Abundantly (+) The Bondage of Sin (-)


Joshua made war a long time with all those kings. Joshua 11:18 NKJV 

God told the Israelites He was going to take them into the Promised Land and bless them in a new way. They were going to live in houses that they didn’t build, drink from wells they did not dig, and eat from vineyards they never dug. They were going to enter a land flowing with milk and honey. They would be the first to experience the abundance and prosperity the Lord had promised to their Patriarchs throughout history.   

Well, that didn’t happen! At least, not for that generation. Except for two of the spies who remained full of faith–Joshua and Caleb. Both Caleb and Joshua understood that taking dominion in the land the Lord had promised them required their taking responsibility to go to war. Over and over the Lord told them, Do not be afraid, because He was with them! 

Yes, giants have to be overcome. Yes, the Body of Christ is a battleship instead of a cruise ship. But friends, the Lord is with us, and He is our victory! Jehovah Nissi, the Lord our banner, is with His people and the battle belongs to Him!  

Declaration:  Today, God’s abundant life is all around me. I will choose to see the good things of God and walk in the way He leads me. He will bring me into His promises and deliver me from evil. My heart is full of gratitude because I have a good, good Father.  

From My Prophetic Teaching:  Angels, Demons, and Nephilim