September 28, 2024 – 09/28/2024
9 – (+) Fruit Bearing (-) Judgment
28 – Times and Seasons
God is the inventor of times and seasons, and He created all that on the 4th day. He stamped the number four on the day of His creation, which is when God created the material universe. On the 4th day, God created the sun and the moon, and the stars. So, He created time and space and matter on the 4th day.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 NKJV
Out of 31,171 verses in the King James Bible, the very first one says in the beginning, Bereshit (Hebrew). There it is in the beginning. God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning -Time; God created the heavens -Space; and the earth – Matter. Time, space, and matter were listed in the Word of God by a hillbilly named Moses, who didn’t even wear shoes. He had a father-in-law by the name of Jethro. Jethro herded goats: if that’s not the definition of hillbilly, I’m telling you nobody knows. That is the definition of hillbilly, and he came down with an understanding of the principle of time, space, and matter thousands of years before Einstein ever described it through his Theory of Relativity and Special Relativity. Hallelujah!
He created you and placed you on Earth at the exact time, in the exact place, to be exactly who He created you to be. He designed you and knew you would be here today. He holds this day in His hands. Find the plan He has for you today and live every moment of it fully as He meant you to be.
Declaration: I will trust the Word of God. I know that God Almighty is the inventory of times and seasons, and I will walk boldly throughout my life knowing that God has everything under His control.
From My Prophetic Teaching: Lord of the Harvest