September 27, 2024 – 09/27/2024
9 – (+) Fruit Bearing (-) Judgment
27 – Things Unveiled and Revealed in God’s Presence and Light of Truth
This You have seen, O Lord; Do not keep silence. O Lord do not be far from me. Psalm 35:22 NKJV
Father God, cleanse me of my unbelief, doubt, and unwillingness to believe Your love. You didn’t just send Your beloved Son to die for my sins but to put me in the right relationship with You. Your plan was always to adopt me as a son or daughter—to be joint heirs with Jesus. I lay down everything that has kept me from believing and receiving Your unconditional love.
I lay down my need to compare myself to others and cast down any unhealthy competition my mind has stirred up. I forgive those who have truly rejected or hurt me, and I ask forgiveness for grieving Your heart and the hearts of those who truly love me despite my rejection. Father, I want a deep revelation of Your love. Pour it into me. Lord, I trust you. I seek Your plan and Your provision for my life. You are faithful and true and I will never doubt You again.
I fully surrender control of my life and break out of the cage of self-reliance. I surrender my self-preservation, my need to protect my heart at all cost and my performance. Take my fear and my insecurity. Replace them with the Spirit of Adoption. Adoption is Your idea, and I will gladly extend this spirit to the widows, orphans and homeless in my life. I accept my adoption into Your family and Your Kingdom. I embrace the Spirit of Sonship which says I belong to You and You belong to me. Amen.
Declaration: Even when I cannot hear Your voice or feel Your presence, You are here. I will not trust my feelings but have faith in Your Word (Jeremiah 17:9).
From My Book: Shattering Spiritual Strongholds: Orphan Spirit