September 24, 2024 – 09/24/2024
9 – (+) Fruit Bearing (-) Judgment
24 – Perfect Government Made Manifest
Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads. Revelation 4:4 NKJV
Twenty-four is 12×2, so it’s a witness of God’s perfect government. What happens when you witness, or become a witness, to the King of Kings is you begin to worship. That’s why the 24 elders always fall down and worship because they see Him as King. Worship is associated with the number 24.
Twenty-four is also associated with priesthood as David distributed the priests among 24 descendants of Aaron. (1 Chronicles 24) I like that because the King of Kings and great High Priest Jesus Christ calls us kings and priests.
More on the Number 24
There are 24 priests in 1 Chronicles 24.
There are 24 elders in Revelation.
The 24 divisions of priests (1 Chronicles 24:1-19) and cantors (1 Chronicles 25:9-31).
It might interest you to know that while there are 37 recorded miracles of Jesus, there are exactly 24 cures.
God preaches through the number 12. When He does, His message has something to do with perfect government. God is perfect. There really is a plan and He is in control!
Understanding that today is marked by a number that is associated with worship and seeing the connection throughout His Word reminds us to live our lives filled with awe and wonder of Him.
Declaration: I will follow the will of God’s authority over my life. I will honor those placed in office because it is only by God’s will that they are there for a purpose. I trust King Jesus to guide my steps.
From My Book: Numbers That Preach