September 17, 2024 – 09/17/2024
9 – (+) Fruit Bearing (-) Judgment
17 – Overcoming Victory
It turns out that goodness is the catalyst for incredible miracles and transformation. Goodness always has selflessness attached to it. Selflessness always has the love of God attached to it. With the love of God comes grace to overcome everything.
Did you know that with the power to serve comes the supernatural power to overcome things? See, the goodness of God that overcomes evil starts off as a willingness to serve but ends up as a transformational juggernaut.
In the kingdom, authority is servant authority. When people selflessly serve others, the Crown of Heaven and the Prince of Peace both show up. When we were ministering to people and their needs were getting bigger, our money was tight. We just kept serving, and the goodness of God overcame our obstacles.
The IRS voluntarily sent me $1,700 back in 1996 after an internal audit. The $1,700 was exactly the amount of money I needed to keep me from losing my little house. It came in on the very last day I had to send the money to the mortgage company. I had no idea it was coming, but good overcomes the evil that comes against our homes.
So they all ate and were filled, and twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them. Luke 9:17 NKJV
Do you have a need as big as the hunger of 5,000 people at the end of a long day? In His goodness, God will bring you overcoming victory. Follow Him, walk in His ways, and watch Him meet your needs.
Declaration: The desire of my heart is to walk in the center of God’s will for me. I will serve and honor Him in every way I can. I will see the needs of others and reach out to be His hands and feet in the world. His goodness will overcome every obstacle in my life.
From My Book: Good Overcomes Evil