September 2, 2024 – 09/02/2024
9 – (+) Fruit Bearing (-) Judgment
2 – A Faithful Witness and Being Set Apart
For you remember, brethren, our labor and toil; for laboring night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, we preached to you the gospel of God. 1 Thessalonians 2:9 NKJV
The apostle Paul worked as a tentmaker – a hard job with little pay. He did it so he could afford to work at his real job – preaching the gospel.
I once worked for a national rent-to-own outfit as a glorified repo man. The money was good, and the opportunity for ministry was even better. God took me into the homes of the poorest of Ft. Worth’s poor to show me what a difference mercy and compassion made in the lives of really poor people. He was preparing me to be a pastor.
I would knock on a door at 7:00 a.m. and a sleepy-eyed single mom would open the door. I would say, “I’m here to pick up our refrigerator.” She explained her kid’s milk and meat for supper were in there.
I explained she had broken her contract. I was polite, even sympathetic, but I firmly said, “I am here to take the refrigerator.”
I can’t tell you how hard it was to wheel past those kids without saying anything. The worst thing I could have said was something like “God bless you” or “Jesus loves you.” It was important to keep my mouth shut and do my job professionally.
Imagine how effective it was to show up at that house when I was off work with a good, used refrigerator that Leanna and I bought from a second-hand store. Imagine the surprise on that momma’s face when I explained to her that earlier, I was there in the name of my company, but this time, I was there in the name of Jesus. The refrigerator was a free gift, “just like Jesus,” I would say. Then, you can believe that a move of God would follow.
How does your work let you be a witness to Jesus and bear Kingdom fruit?
Declaration: I am in the world to be a witness to Jesus. Holy Spirit leads me in the way to bring glory to Jesus and bear fruit for the Kingdom.
From My Book: Miracles with a Message