September 1, 2024 – 09/01/2024
9 – (+) Fruit Bearing (-) Judgment
1 – Unity 


Next to understanding the Gospel of Salvation, grasping the full meaning of Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom is critically important for believers. It is a pivotal step on life’s journey, enabling them to live in alignment with Jesus’s Words and Ways and fulfill God’s purpose in their personal lives. You and I, as Kingdom people, have got to understand that the Lord is the Lord of the Harvest. King Jesus expects a return on His amazing investment.

This is a fundamental thing that you and I need to know. As soon as we understand what salvation is all about, we need to understand that seed, time, and harvest are tremendous principles of how the Kingdom works. The Bible says that Jesus himself declares that this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the earth, and then Jesus Christ will come back.

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 NKJV

Today, the world is full of men and women of God who have no passion, no ability to overcome, no vision, and no motivation; they are just comfortable Kingdom people who just cannot see the Harvest. When I was a little boy, my stepdad had a great big farm south of Alvarado, Texas, and we worked on that farm. I want to just tell you that you didn’t go out there to play in the woods. You didn’t go out there to mess around. You went out there to work hundreds and hundreds of acres.  It didn’t matter if you were five years old or if you were 75 years old; as soon as you got out there, everybody started working towards the same goal.  You had to be self-motivated, and you all had the same goal. The goal was this: there has to be a harvest. There has to be!  Make this ninth month, September, your month to learn how to produce an abundance of fruit for a Kingdom Harvest.

Declaration: I live with gratitude in my soul because Jesus died to set me free and give me eternal life. Because He loves me, and I love Him, I will be intentional about yielding an abundant harvest for my Lord.

From My Prophetic Teaching: Lord of the Harvest