August 14, 2024 – 08/14/2024
8 – New Beginnings
14 – Generational Promises and The Fear of the Lord


There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants), and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight. – Numbers 13:33 NKJV

When people hear of giants or Nephilim of the Bible, most everyone thinks of David and Goliath.  Now, King David was a cool dude; however, I want to talk to you about Caleb.

Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, was one of the twelve spies Moses sent out in the Book of Numbers.  After Caleb and the other eleven came back after scouting out the lands and the different cities, ten of them said that there were people ‘stronger, taller, the cities were fortified’ because what they saw were giants in the land; they called God’s people (themselves) ‘grasshoppers’ in Number 13:33.

The Bible says in verse 30, Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”  

Joshua agreed with Caleb; they knew they could take the Promised Land. They knew that they could do it anyway. The issue for them was never if but how and when.  

While these ten cry babies were going on and on, Joshua and Caleb stepped up and said to Moses that they could win the land back if they struck immediately.  Joshua and Caleb knew that God was with them, and, like King David, they had no doubt they could conquer the giants…they were bad motor scooters! 

 Today’s giants exist, not only in physical appearance, but in technology, too.  Today’s giants include media Delilah, woke agendas, and the lies from the devil.  See, the way of the giant is to introduce the idea that you are powerless, your defeat is certain, and God will not help you.  But like I said, the devil is a liar and you have already defeated the giants of this world because of the Blood of Jesus!

Be like King David and Joshua, and Caleb, hold tight to King Jesus and the victory you had once He said, “It is finished!” 

 Declaration: I will trust in God’s plan and understanding and not my own.  I will face the giants of today with confidence just as King David and Joshua, and Caleb did because where I go God is with me and will always ensure I win the battle against the giants.

From My Prophetic Teaching: Angels, Demons and Nephilim