August 6, 2024 – 08/06/2024
8 – New Beginnings
6 – The Flesh of Man
Does not wisdom cry out, And understanding lift up her voice? She takes her stand on the top of the high hill, Beside the way, where the paths meet. She cries out by the gates, at the entry of the city, At the entrance of the doors: “To you, O men, I call, And my voice is to the sons of men. O you simple ones, understand prudence, And you fools, be of an understanding heart.” – Proverbs 8:1-5 NKJV
We have so many sources of information today. We listen to different news outlets, and many are misleading and false. When we sneeze or have issues with our bodies, we must go online immediately to see if it might be a disease. And, of course, we must check all the most recent chats online to get all the juicy information possible. The Bible tells us come to her and listen.
There are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs, and I encourage you to read them all to get a full understanding of what you need to know to live in the fear of the Lord. God is very intentional about what He has to say in the Bible. He gives us a chapter for every day of the month in the Book of Proverbs.
You should also note that since God created time for the purpose of redemptive works, it is wisdom and the proper use of time to invite God into every timeline you can think of— past, present, and future. Ask God to meet you there and do the work of His heart.
God is speaking and He wants you to listen to His precious Wisdom and learn from her.
Declaration: I will cherish wisdom from the Bible because it is the principal way to live life according to God. Wisdom helps me to be safe, healthy, and prosperous every day of the year.
From My Books: Redeeming Your Timeline