July 15, 2024 – 07/15/2024
  7 – The Flesh of Man
15 – Rest and Overcoming Death

Proverbs 7:15 (NKJV) So I came out to meet you, Diligently to seek your face, And I have found you. 


Fifteen is 3×5. Three represents “perfect completion,” and five represents grace, or God-given ability to overcome something. With the number 15, what you have is grace perfectly completed, where we enter into God’s rest.

When we read Psalm 16, we get some incredible insight into King David’s heart.   When he says, “My heart also instructs me in the night seasons,” he is saying that his heart has learned to be in such close counsel of God that there’s a spillover.  He is connected to Him, even when he is asleep.

Because I focus on the Lord, I set the Lord continuously before me. By finding that God is at my right hand and that He brings great stability to me, I shall not be moved. Focusing upon the Lord will bring you great stability.

When the Lord is at your right hand, it means He’s readily available. Because you are focused on Him, you will find Him involved in your business, relationships, work, and other activities.

Psalm 16:8-9 (NKJV) I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart will be glad, and my glory rejoices, my flesh will also rest in hope.

Everything goes better when the Lord is with us in all aspects of our lives.  There are better outcomes when He is with us. That makes our hearts glad; it also gives us hope for good things so we will rest well.

Declaration: I will diligently seek You, Lord.  In You and You alone, I find rest. You are always at my right hand, so I will stand strong and not be moved off of Your plan and purpose for me.

From My Prophetic Teaching: Twenty Four