May 29, 2024 – 05/29/2024
5 – The Grace of God
29 – Mountains
Deuteronomy 5:29 (NKJV): “Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!”
God loves the mountains. He met with Moses on the mountain to give the commandments the people of Israel would need to follow in order to prosper in the Promised Land. Jesus went up the mountain when He taught the Sermon on the Mount and when He was transfigured. In all these examples, we note that there were only the closest followers there with God.
“There are some high places in the Lord where few people are up to the challenge of climbing. God Himself is called the “Most High” God. These places I am talking about are reserved for a very elite few. People who are willing to get up off the couch and be the people He has called them to be. These places are above the muck and the mire. Above the filth and the noise of our everyday lives. Places where the air is clean, and things make sense on a greater scale.
All of us, as people of God, need to find these places in Christ. We all have a God-given, spiritual ability to get up there too.
2 Samuel 22:34 (NKJV): He makes my feet like the feet of deer and sets me on my high places.
There is no neutral in your spiritual gearbox. You are either climbing higher, reaching toward the things of God or you are sinking into the muck and mire of your flesh and your world.”
Declaration: Today, I will follow Jesus’s ways. I will fight for the King’s heart and the next level of understanding and relationship with Him.
From My Book: Soul Invasion