May 25, 2024 – 05/25/2024
  5 – The Grace of God
25 – Grace for Grace
Galatians 5:25 (NKJV): So If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.


For most of us, not only does the act of moving forward look like a train wreck, the circumstances which we are stumbling through are even worse. It’s hard to believe God is happy with you when you are stumbling along in a place that does not honor or glorify Him.

Years ago, I was in the trash dumps of Matamoros, Mexico. It is the ugliest, most despicable environment I have ever witnessed. Inside this disgusting arena of waste and hopelessness were hundreds of beautiful families with thousands of kids living in slavery to the drug cartels. They owed money and to pay off their debt, the family dug in the trash for anything worthwhile to pay their note.

During one truly brutal summer day, I was handing out food and water to a long line of desperate people when I saw something that changed my life forever. I saw Heaven invade Earth. I saw the face of the Father. 

A group of people started to cheer and clap. I turned and saw a baby boy, filthy, with no shoes or shirt on, taking his first steps.

What captured my attention was not the baby, but his daddy. This young father was so excited that he began to celebrate and applaud, and when he did, everyone else joined in. That’s what your Daddy God does for you when you decide to move forward. He is pleased even if you stumble and fall. He’s proud of your effort, even in the mess of your circumstances.

Declaration: Today, I will step out and chase after my upgrade! My Father in Heaven is ready to celebrate my obedience.

From My Book: Good Overcomes Evil