April 5, 2024 – 04/05/2024
4 – Creation and Things That Are Made
5 – The Grace of God
Philippians 4:5 (NKJV) Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
The passionate heart of our King will never be satisfied with anything mediocre. That’s why He is dealing with you on so many different things at once. When you fight for the heart of the King, you fight for greatness within your own life.
God created you in your perfected form, your masterpiece form, and then He meets you where you are and continues to help you grow into your perfected self. You need to remember that God does not make junk, My Friends! He loves every single aspect of what makes you, YOU!
Find your own passionate heart for King Jesus and be just like Him, never satisfied with anything mediocre! As God grows you, He purifies you in the fire to kill all the dross from your body, mind, and soul. Each refinement and nuance makes you much closer to being like Him.
I challenge you to continue to delve into the heart of King Jesus and fight for your time with Him because the more you do that, the more you become like Him.
Declaration: I declare I will not be wise in my own eyes. I fear the Lord and depart from any evil, so my life is healthy and whole in Him. I decree that I will continue to chase after King Jesus with all my passion and welcome all the refinement the Lord is doing.
From My Book: Living Life Forward