March 30, 2024 – 03/30/2024 3 – Perfect Completion30 – Acts of Redemption and Accomplishing Priestly ServiceProverbs 3:30 (NKJV) Do not strive with a man without cause, if he has done you no harm.
Hello My Friends! Let me ask you a question – have you ever experienced someone you know or do not know getting into your face for no reason? Man, I have! As a Pastor, I will get the occasional person who wants to confront me, at least I have in the past; now I have security cut them off before they try to start something with me. Amen!
Proverbs 3:30 means just that; it tells you not to be the person getting into someone’s face if they haven’t done anything to you. Just because you are a rude dude in a crude mood (or dudette) does not give you the right to engage with someone who has not caused your mood. God doesn’t like petty people.
We are all co-heirs with King Jesus, and we need to treat each other with grace any time we interact with others. We are expected to act more like heaven than like hell. Amen.
When you walk in the fear of the Lord and keep that deep connection with God by reading His Word, you will find yourself in a better mood, even feeling joyful because that is who God is. He is joy, kindness, mercy, love, and so much more to you! Try to always find God in people, not just the good, but find God in them. So, when you look at them, you look at them through His supernatural sight and not your own natural sight.
Psalm 111:10 says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It takes the fear of the Lord and plenty of wisdom to know which battlefield belongs to you. So, unless God gives you the orders to engage someone, try not to do it and love everyone like Jesus does, as you meet them. You never know when your kind word to someone will activate that person’s love for King Jesus.
Declaration: I will always look for God in the people I meet. I will walk in fear of the Lord and read His Word to gain wisdom to know when and how to act toward others.
From My Book: 31 Battle Cry Declarations