January 31, 2024 – 1/31/24

  1 – Unity

31 – Offspring or Generations After You

 Isaiah 1:31 (NKJV): The strong shall be as tinder, and the work of it as a spark; Both will burn together, and no one shall quench them.

In Isaiah 1:31, God is speaking of Judah and how it has become a degenerate city because the children of Israel have rebelled against God.  Their sinful acts they are doing causes God to compare Judah to Sodom and Gomorrah.  Oh, how God must have wept over the children He saved and protected for years when they turned to sin over Him.  But how many of us have or are doing the same thing?  Giving into the desires of the flesh instead of focusing your desires on the spirit to help you refrain from sinning?  Only God can quench any desires you have that are burning out of control.

Declaration: I declare and decree that I will keep my eyes on things above and not things of this world.  When I feel my fleshly desires trying to take over, I will cry out to You, Lord, and focus on the desires of the spirit to draw closer to You!


You were born behind the eight-ball because of Adam and Eve. But you were also born for a purpose. That purpose is what God has written just for you! Because of this fallen world, your wants and desires are skewed. What your mind wants to do is the opposite of what you know you should do. Your mind should always be focused on the Lord and staying on the Spirit. Galatians 5:16 says, “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”My Friends, you have the power over the desires of the flesh! God has given you the answer in Galatians 5:16. If you stay focused on walking in the Spirit, then you stay focused on things above and not what this fallen world is telling you to do because it is a backward, woke society we live in now. Stay walking in the Spirit and crying out to the Lord; you will find that you control all your desires, not the flesh.