January 25, 2024 – 1/25/2024
25-Grace for Grace

Luke 1:25 (NKJV) – “Thus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days when He looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.”


Reproach is a strong word and a very intense feeling toward someone. Have you ever had someone express their disapproval or disappointment with you? Have you ever expressed those feelings toward others? It is easy to pass judgment on someone even though we know we should not because it is God’s job to judge people.

But we have a loving God, and just as Luke 1:25 says, He does deal with us when He looks upon us, but He has also restored us and removed any judgment others have passed upon us.

That is amazing! God loves our humanity, and the number twenty-five is what God stamps on us when He restores us. The number twenty-five is the number of grace multiplied by five (5 x 5).

In my book, Numbers That Preach, I found that “somehow 25 means God will perform the things He gave you grace for.”

What are you missing out in life because of the lack of prayer and perseverance? The Bible tells us to persevere and do the will of God. Then, you will receive what He has promised.

DECLARATION: When the Lord comes to visit me, I will say to the Lord. May it be done unto me as you say. And I will persevere until I receive what was promised to me.

From My Book and Sermon Notes: Numbers That Preach and The Big Surprise