January 19, 2024 – 1/19/2024
1 – Unity
19 – Rest and Overcome Death
Jeremiah 1:19 (NKJV) ” They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,” says the Lord, “to deliver you.”
God called Jeremiah to be a Prophet to the nations and particularly a Prophet to the tribe of Judah. Jeremiah was only 17 years old and did not think God could use him. He told God he was too young and could not speak for him. God told Jeremiah not to say those words and that he must go wherever he sent him and say whatever he told him to say. He instructed him not to be afraid of the people.
Many of the youth are called by God just as Jeremiah was called. The safest place for them is in the center of God’s perfect will for their lives. Many of these young people are crying out and not getting God’s vision for their lives. The enemy is happy to show them and get them actively involved in the devil’s plan for their lives. The devil’s plan will surely lead them to death and destruction.
God has a great future and plan for all our youth. Untap the hidden gifting and abilities and see God make the younger generation great! God may allow them to solve a complicated problem in our world today. How amazing it is to see a young person grow up to be all that God has created them to be!
Declaration: I am not going to protect my children from God. I am going to encourage them and guide them on God’s best path for their lives.