December 20, 2023 – 12/20/2023
12 – Perfect Government
20 – Waiting & Expectancy
Deuteronomy 12:20 (NKJV) – “When the LORD your God enlarges your border as He has promised you, and you say, ‘Let me eat meat,’ because you long to eat meat, you may eat as much meat as your heart desires.”
There is a way that you operate in the wilderness that you don’t take with you into the Promised Land. In the wilderness, you only move when the Cloud moves. You stop when the Cloud stops. You hang out around the Pillar of Fire at night, and the next day, you do it all over again. But, in the Promised Land you go, go, go because you have a green light until the Lord gives you a red light.
In the Promised Land, the Lord follows along behind you and backs you up. He gives you houses you didn’t build, vineyards you didn’t plant, and wells you didn’t dig.
Declaration: I will not give place for evil to occupy the territory the Lord has given me. I will take dominion in the places King Jesus has entrusted to me. I will fear the Lord and turn away from foolish doctrines that encourage me to neglect my borders. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
ENLARGED BORDERS People who are serious about their borders, are people that understand their place in the Kingdom. They are the same people who are willing to selflessly advance His Kingdom. Blessed peoples do this, and they continue to advance in their blessing. The portion of your inheritance is the life God has trusted you with and the blessing you have within your specific territory. With territory comes borders. Because the Lord has given you a domain where you’re to take dominion, you have to know how to protect what He has given you. The only way you will defend your borders and fight for the goodness of God in your inherited places of promises is to look at everything through the lens of King Jesus. If we look for Jesus in everything and are determined to honor Him in every area of our lives, then we’ll be operating in the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. There is a Godly wisdom that comes to you that you must cooperate with in defending your borders and prospering in your given promised places. From my sermon: Borders |