December 03, 2023 – 12/03/2023
12 – Perfect Government
3 – Perfect Completion
Daniel 12:3 (NKJV) – Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.
Wisdom is like the shining sun. She makes the face shine as a person goes about their everyday life. Many people go through life learning—in school, in trades, on the job—but most people do not consider themselves as wise because they’ve learned. However, scripture tells us that wisdom comes from life experiences. According to Daniel 12:3, when a person is wise, they can help turn others to righteousness which causes them to walk the moral high ground, or the ‘highway of holiness’ as the Bible calls it.
Declaration: I declare that I will walk through life using wisdom and discernment that the Holy Spirit gives. Cause my feet to tread on the path of righteousness, Lord. Do not let me stray to the right or to the left off of Your highway of holiness. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
The wisest man ever to walk this earth is Jesus. God’s Word in living flesh sent down to walk through life’s challenges we face every day and overcome them by using wisdom and discernment. Jesus never caved into the devil’s temptations and trickery. He saw through the lies Satan was telling Him “And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”
(Luke 4:8 NKJV).
To gain the wisdom like Jesus has, we need to do as Jesus does—follow God’s commandments and walk in the fear of the Lord. As humans, we struggle daily with our walk with God, some more than others, but all struggle. However, the more we spend time in God’s Word, the easier our walk becomes! What an amazing visual Daniel gives us in Daniel 12:3, those with wisdom shall shine like the firmament’s brightness!
Our firmament is specific only to us humans on the planet earth. No other firmament is like it because there are no other beings like us that God created. He loves us so much that He made everything intentional for our enjoyment! The stars and heavenly view are no exception. The wisdom we receive is given to us through the Holy Spirit. When we walk as Jesus walks, we are a shining brightness to all the people we encounter.
Let’s not forget the rest of Daniel 12:3. Not only are we like the brightness of our firmament, but our shine and our walk can help the lost and rebellious turn to righteousness. Then, not only are we bright like the firmament, we are like the stars forever and ever. Our God is good!