1 Samuel 8:20 – “…that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.”  

Comparison makes you forget what you have and who you are. Israel wanting a king like the nations around them caused them to forget God was their King. He went before them and fought their battles. When they put their trust in a man, that man let them down. Stop looking at the blessings of others and give thanks for what you have: a God who fights for you. Comparison kills. It’s that simple.

Declaration: I’m blessed. The Lord is my King and I’m satisfied in Him.


No matter how messed up you are, this I promise you: there is always someone who’s more of a malfunction than you. I know what I’m talking about because when you start taking steps toward upgrade, God will bring you some of the most colorful characters to practice on.

The Bible gives us an account of woman who was truly the walking wounded—just the type of person God will send your way when you’re learning to step out.

Jesus was traveling from Jerusalem in the south to Galilee in the north. The quickest route was through Samaria. Know this: Jews hated Samaritans. There were serious racial and cultural tensions between the groups. The disciples were not happy about traveling through what they considered a ghetto. Jews did not speak to lowly Samaritans.

Tired and thirsty, our Lord sat by Jacob’s Well and sent the disciples to a nearby village to buy food. It was the hottest part of the day when a Samaritan woman came to draw water.

First off, nobody draws water in the heat of the day unless they don’t want to be seen, and this major malfunction was sick of the disapproving looks and nasty comments. She endured a blast furnace to avoid the gossips, that is, until Jesus came along and blew her mind with a simple question:

“Will you give me a drink?” – John 4:7

In His encounter with the famous “woman at the well,” Jesus broke three major Jewish customs: First, He spoke to a woman; second, she was a Samaritan; third, when He asked for a drink of water, He would have to use her cup or water jar, making him ceremonially unclean. She knew this and queried, “How can you ask me for a drink?”

Jesus replies she should ask Him for “living water” so she won’t be thirsty anymore because it leads to eternal life. He then tells her all about her miserable life: five divorces, shacking up with a man who won’t commit, lonely and shunned with a dry heart in need of refreshment. She doesn’t deny it, but makes a statement that must have made the Savior’s heart leap:

“Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”

Translate that as “Where is God?” Holy smokes! A fallen woman from the wrong side of the tracks is looking for God! She recognizes Him as the man asking for a drink, then rounds up those nasty gossips to hear what Jesus has to say. Malfunction to missionary in one short conversation. The Bible says Jesus stayed in Samaria two more days and “many came to know Him because of the woman’s testimony.”

Don’t be afraid of failure or rejection. Don’t be ashamed of your past or your circumstances. The woman at the well wasn’t and her testimony led her enemies out of darkness. Just move forward and see who Jesus brings your way. They might just ask, “Where is God?”

From my book: Living Life /Forward