Malachi 4:6 – “And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”
The Lord God called you to be “a chosen generation and a royal priesthood” to proclaim the truth of Jesus, to speak the identity of the Lord, and to prophecy God-given destiny to the fatherless. Be sober and vigilant in protecting your family from the lies of the enemy. Responding to the Father’s heart by being good fathers and mothers is your assignment.
Declaration: I’m guiding my family with God’s word and Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the master communicator and if you’re like me and like to search out the matter, you’ll see an incredible hidden promise in the Palm Sunday account that’s a real game-changer.
Now when they drew near Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to Me.” – Matthew 21:1-2
While the Matthew account doesn’t name the other village, Luke’s account as likely told to him by Mary, mother of Jesus, says the other town was Bethany. Between Bethphage and Bethany. What’s that all about?
Well, Bethphage means “place of sweet figs” which is all about fruit bearing. Bethany sounds beautiful, but it means “place of sorrows.” That’s where you’ll find Jesus. Over and over again, he’s in that place between sweetness and sorrow—fruitfulness and barrenness.
This tension between the best things that can happen and the worst things that can happen is where you and I find ourselves every day. Where your finances are at their best, but your marriage is twisting off. Or your health is at it’s best, but your kids are out running where the dogs bark. Like Dickens’ “Tale of Two Cities,” it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
My friend, I can testify that when I lay down my pride and I worship Jesus in that crazy tension between bitter and sweet, he shows up in a powerful way. Like that place between Bethphage and Bethany, he will come riding in on the gentle colt as your Prince of Peace. When you give him dominion over your whole life, you will not only say, “Hosanna! Save now,” you will be blessed as Jesus himself comes in the name of the Father and gives you shalom—the authority that binds chaos!