Ephesians 2:2 – in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,
Ungodly people don’t understand the prince from hell is all about controlling the air, so they turn over the atmospheres in their head, heart, home to the enemy. That’s not you, my friend! You are a good steward of your atmosphere and set tone of heaven. You are called to create a life-giving environment in the midst of chaos.
Declaration: Jesus is my Prince of Peace. The atmosphere of my heart is peace and joy. I create an atmosphere of order and rest.
Who Owns You?
If you’re thinking of redemption as deliverance from some kind of evil situation you were born in –something somebody said, some way somebody attacked you, how you trusted somebody and they let you down – by some kind of a payment, you are on the right track.
What about the evil of disease? What about the evil of a worldwide economic system that wants to enslave you? What about a government that wants to bankrupt you or a medical system that doesn’t want to heal you? See, redemption pays a price so these things cannot enslave you.
One of my favorite things to understand about redemption is redemption changes ownership from this thing, person, situation or memory that owns you. When redemption comes in, it changes ownership.
When you change ownership, it is typically not a peaceful transfer of power. Just open the book of Revelation. When Jesus Christ comes back and says, “You don’t own things anymore, devil from hell. I own things now,” it’s all-out war.
He’s not showing up as a 6-pound baby Jew. He’s coming back as King of kings and what? Lord of lords! Lords are owners. Jesus Christ will return as the owner of everybody from everywhere for all time.
I wanna tell you, that’s what you and I need. We need that kind of a serious redemption. We need the exchange of ownership, where the thing that owned us is cut off. If you don’t know how to have hope for the future, here’s what I wanna tell you: quit it. Let Jesus own your future instead of the lying media.
I double-dog dare you to unplug from the Matrix – to get your head out of the lap of Delilah and say this out loud, “I’m not going look at the world the way I used to because the same people who are peddling fear are selling the cure. My hope is in Jesus Christ, and Jesus owns my year. Demonic world system, you don’t get to dictate what happens in my year, and I will not be enslaved by your narrative. I will not do it. You don’t own me.”
Doesn’t that feel better? It sure does! My friend, say it as often as you have to and remind yourself who your true owner is. He’s the King of kings and Lord of lords – Jesus Christ. He paid the price. You are redeemed.
“These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” – Revelation 17:14