Deuteronomy 11:26 – Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse
The Lord’s desire is always to bless. He blessed all His creation from the beginning. We get to partner with Him in being a blessing to others and enjoying the blessings He has for His children. Walk in His blessing. Speak His blessing. Jesus took the curse upon himself so you can be blessed. Don’t take it for granted.
Declaration: I’m a life-breather. I speak life. I declare love and self-control over my thoughts, words, and actions.
The Boy Scouts motto is “Be prepared” and let me tell you, it’s a Kingdom motto whether the Boy Scouts meant it to be or not. It means you should always be in a state of readiness to do your duty in both mind and body.
Paul was a big fan of being prepared because he had to be. He never knew if there was a mob waiting to beat him behind the warm welcome of the believers.
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. – 2 Timothy 4:2
So, what does it mean to be prepared in or out of season? It means to read the signs of the times and know how to react. You don’t wear a down parka in the summer heat or a bikini in the middle of winter. If you want to be effective, you’ll “dress for the occasion,” as I like to say, by knowing the times you are living in.
That phrase “in or out of season” also means to be ready to act whether it’s convenient or inconvenient—whether it makes sense or it doesn’t. To move if it’s clean and pretty or if it’s messy and ugly. Be ready if you’re feeling it or if you’re not—if the environment is hostile or friendly. The Kingdom needs to be advanced and it’s on you do move it forward, my friend.
Jesus has a huge value for you being prepared because He hates to see you caught in the collateral damage. Yes, He’ll pick you up, dust you off and apply some salve over your wounds, but He’d rather see you succeed without a cleanup crew. It’s up to you.