Now the Lord gave me knowledge of it, and I know it, for You showed me their doings. – Jeremiah 11:18

King Jesus is so good! Not only does He see what is happening behind closed doors, He reveals it to us. There is no reason to be fearful of all you hear on the news. It’s bad, but Jesus is ahead of it.  The devil is the one who is afraid. 

Declaration: I will count on the word of God and will live by faith, not by headlines. 

You’re Welcome!

In an incredible way, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not just that Jesus Christ died on a cross so that you can be saved. That’s wonderful, and we have to believe in that, but it’s actually so incomplete. You have to understand the rest of the story. 

Jesus Christ died on the cross so you can be saved, yes. But the big deal is He rose again and invited you to know God as Father. Did you hear that? Father! That makes you a son or a daughter. Not a servant. Not as a slave or a citizen. You have a seat at the table. 

My friend, you actually have a place in His house, so much so that Jesus said, “Because of me, when you come before the Lord, I don’t want you to come before Him any kinda religious way whatsoever. I want you to come to Him through me, and once you come through me, this is how it works: ‘Dad, I’m home.'”

“Wait! What? You can’t just walk in God’s house and declare that you’re home.”

Yeah, you can. God Almighty is so happy to be a Father–a Dad. You have to understand, you don’t need to be afraid to ask Him for things because a good daddy is a good provider. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and that means those cattle belong to you too. 

and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. – Romans 8:17

First Jesus comes and introduces God as a Father and people are blown away. Then He does the unthinkable and says, “I’m your big brother. I want to share my inheritance with you. Everything the Father owns is mine and I’m happy to share it with you.”

One of those things is a seat at the table–the family table. Have you seen chair? Pull it up and sit down. You’re invited and empowered to know God as Father today. You’re welcome!